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About QuikTrip

Number of Employees: 18K+

Headquarters: 4705 South 129th East Avenue Tulsa, OK 74134

Quiktrip is a full service truck stop with 690 stores in eleven states. Quiktrip is privately owned, and employs nearly 16,000 people. The company focuses on quality, high-volume locations. These locations each have a threefold purpose. Firstly, the locations provide fuel to travelers. Secondly, the locations feature a convenience store. Lastly, the locations feature a restaurant which makes food fresh to order. This combination has made Quiktrip a dominate force in their market.

What to Expect When Interviewing

Applications take place online or in person for potential employees of Quiktrip. The majority of interviewees have reported that the entire process is fairly average. The online application precipitates an online test. This test deals with general math and English skills. Assuming the individual passes the general math and English skills quiz, they will then be afforded an in person interview. This interview focuses primarily on customer service and will last approximately ten minutes. Interviewers are instructed to evaluate if the applicant is friendly, outgoing and professional.

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