Job Hunt Strategy

Job Search Tips

Everyone can benefit from a few job search tips because job hunting has never been an easy task. It takes organization, the commitment to hunt down leads every day and the fortitude to continue the search even after you’ve been rejected. When you secure an appointment for an interview, be sure to show up early...
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2012 Job Outlook

The job market for 2012 is looking up in a number of ways as many corporations and even small businesses are looking to staff themselves up to full capacity. Throughout the country, there are a number of industries that are hiring more than ever before, including the healthcare industry...
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Building Your Job Search Network

When you’re looking for a job, it’s not only what you know, it’s who you know. Your personal and professional network gets you the inside track on positions. To leverage your network to your advantage, you’ve got to build it, groom it, and maintain ties.
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5 Hot Careers in a Down Economy

From an economic perspective, recent years have been tough. Many industries were hit hard, and a lot of employers were forced to lay off a number of their employees. Experts believe that the situation will improve in the next couple years...
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5 Parts of the US that are Hiring

From an economic perspective, recent years have been tough. Many industries were hit hard, and a lot of employers were forced to lay off a number of their employees. Experts believe that the situation will improve in the next couple years...
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5 Tips To Keep In The Employment Game

It’s been tough out there for a while and it’s not unusual to hear about experienced, qualified professionals whose short term unemployment has turned into a long term financial crisis. If you or someone you love is dealing with long term unemployment...
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Resumes & Cover Letters

5 Ways to Improve Your Resume

When you apply for a new job, your resumé makes the first impression on the potential employer. If your resumé is incomplete, confusing, or difficult to read, the employer may not offer you an interview. Fortunately, there are several easy ways to improve your resumé and increase your chances of landing a job...
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Formatting your Resume

Resumes are the first thing most employers see when considering candidates. A resume must be concise, honest, thorough, and customized to the job posting. Drafting a resume is a daunting task at any time in life, whether as an experienced professional or a high school graduate...
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Online tools to help build your resume

The first thing a prospective employer sees when considering you for a job is your resumé. A good resumé can cause the employer to bump to the top of the list and give you priority over other candidates. On the other hand, if your resumé isn't impressive, the employer may never even offer you an interview...
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Important Tips for Writing a Cover Letter

Writing a quality cover letter is one of the most important steps in the job search process. The cover letter is the first glimpse a potential employer has of your personality, your professionalism and your overall education. Cover letters must first and foremost be attention grabbing...
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What Employers want in a Reference

our resume is sparkling; your interview skills are polished. You feel ready to go after that great job. References should be part of your job search strategy, too. Hiring managers are placing increasing importance on references to help whittle down the list of applicants by process of elimination...
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3 Tips For Requesting a Letter of Recommendation

Letters of recommendation do matter, especially if you are applying for jobs where there is a lot of competition from other qualified candidates. Strong letters can help you stand out from the pack....
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Job Interview Tips

Going on a job interview can be a stressful situation to most individuals. You want the job that you are applying for, but you may be scared that you will say or do the wrong thing...
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Common Interview Questions

Most interviewers for a job position will use common interview questions when talking to you about the job you applied for with their company. Many times these questions are asked during a first interview as a means to weed out candidates. Being prepared will help you breeze through these basic questions...
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How to Dress for an Interview

You’ve done everything for the upcoming job interview; composed a winning resume, gotten past the telephone interview screening. Now, the big moment you have waited for, particularly your in-person interview but you failed to put much thought and preparation into making a great first impression...
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5 Interview Mistakes

Effective interviewing is a vital part of the job acquisition process, particularly when seeking a job in a down market. In many instances, the interview is the first time you will meet your potential employer face-to-face and, as such, is your only chance to make a first impression.
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Tips for a Phone Interview

A telephone interview often feels less threatening than a face-to-face job interview. To maximize your success in a phone interview, take advantage of the increased flexibility without neglecting proper etiquette or preparation. Do not give in to the temptation to treat the interview as a casual telephone conversation...
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Salary & Benefits

5 Tips for Negotiating Your Salary

If you’ve been doing a great job on the job for several years but you haven’t seen a raise in ages, it might be prime time to negotiate your salary. Storming into your boss’s office and demanding more money is not likely to get you a positive response, nor is making your request without first doing a bit of preparation and research...
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Understanding Common Job Benefits

Benefits can make the compensation package for a particular job even more valuable, as they increase the value of what you receive from your new employer. As you search for jobs, take the time to understand benefits and how they affect the value of a potential job offer...
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Your Job Schedule: How to Negotiate the One You Want

Most employers have a set schedule in mind when advertising a job. They may operate a traditional office and have never considered working any hours outside the norm. You might be a perfect fit for the job, but the schedule doesn't fit in with your life. This isn't necessarily the kiss of death for a job opportunity...
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What to Look for in a 401K Plan

Most employers have a set schedule in mind when advertising a job. They may operate a traditional office and have never considered working any hours outside the norm. You might be a perfect fit for the job, but the schedule doesn't fit in with your life. This isn't necessarily the kiss of death for a job opportunity...
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New Job, New Benefits: Choosing a Health Plan

Currently, the United States operates under what is called an employer driven health insurance system. This means that most people who have a full-time job with benefits get their health insurance from an employer-provided health insurance plan...
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The Benefits of Continuing Your Education

It's no secret that the job market is tough right now. Many people who thought they had their career figured out are delving into new fields and struggling to make a go of it by developing a new area of expertise. One way these people can find an advantage is through education...
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Deciding When It's Time to Switch Careers

With the median time than an average worker has been with their company at less than five years, it's a good bet that most everybody will have to change job (or even their career) at least a few times in their lifetime. Industry downsizing, an economic recession, or other factors can require a person to re-tool their skill set...
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5 Tips for Earning a Promotion

Most people prefer to think that their employer will continue to offer them options for career growth. For most people, their job description explains what qualifications are needed, what the ceiling is in terms of growth and provides a cap on earnings. However, there are various methods available for those who wish to earn a promotion in their current job...
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6 Skills That Can Help you Get Promoted

It is a rare employee who does not want to decipher the secrets to success within his or her company and move up in the ranks until reaching a desired position and salary. You are probably not that rare employee, and you would probably like to better understand what your employer seeks from you so you can earn your employer's respect as well as a promotion...
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